The Newburyport Public Library is hosting upcoming virtual and in-person programs!
February 2, 2024February 2, 2024
The Newburyport Public Library is hosting upcoming virtual and in-person
programs! Check out all the events we are hosting on our website.
Monday, February 5th at 2 pm: Job Search Help: Look & Feel Your Best for Your
Job Interview (VIRTUAL). You will walk away from this session knowing how to create
a consistent personal image that feels good, looks good and gives you the confidence to
make your mark in the world. Led by Lisa Ann Schraffa Santin and Kim Ravida. Satin is
a coach, mentor, educator, speaker, fashion industry veteran, and wardrobe wizard based
on the North Shore. Ravida is a business coach who helps her clients build profitable
businesses in a way that fits into their life. Virtual registration required.
Monday, February 5th at 7 pm: Effective Grassroots Movements that Impact Voting
Rights (VIRTUAL). What does it take to take a Grassroots idea to a movement which
can have significant impact on voting and elections? Join us for this virtual panel
discussion to see how that happens and what you can do to be part of that movement!
Rachael V. Cobb, Ph.D. is Chair and Associate Professor of Government at Suffolk
University. Cobb specializes in U.S. elections, election administration, electoral politics,
civic engagement, and political participation. Virtual registration required.
Tuesday, February 6th at 12:30 pm: Safe Harbor: A Visit with the Boston African
American National Historic Site (VIRTUAL). During the years preceding the American
Civil War, Boston served as one of the most important stops on the Underground
Railroad. Did you know that many of the fugitives escaping from enslavement came to
Boston by stowing away on ships from southern ports? Explore the untold stories of men
and women making daring escapes to freedom through Boston Harbor. Led by National
Park Ranger Shawn Quigley. Virtual registration required.
Tuesday, February 6th at 6 pm: Chocolate and the Environment (IN-PERSON). With
concerns about climate change increasing by the day, cacao producers around the world
are working to ensure their farms survive the changing growing seasons. Likewise, small
batch chocolate makers find themselves a surprisingly large piece of the puzzle–
supporting farmers by purchasing beans that were farmed in a sustainable way and
employing their own green practices to chocolate production, packaging, and delivery
chains. We’ll also talk about the fabled history of the Arhuacos, an indigenous tribe in the
Sierra Nevada region of Colombia that considers themselves stewards of the environment
and have raised cacao for over 500 years. Registration required.
Check out all the events that are coming up on our website! Call the library at 978-465-4428
or check out our Events Calendar to learn more. Register on our website or by calling 978-
465-4428. If you sign up and cannot make it, please call the library at 978-465-4428 to