The Future of The Pink House – Nov. 20th Public Meeting 10:30am PITA Hall, Newbury, MA
November 18, 2023FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 16, 2023
Support The Pink House Inc
Contact: Jeff Ackley, Board Member, Spokesperson
Phone: 978-255-2524
Public Meeting with US Fish & Wildlife Service/Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
and Minority Leader, State Senator Bruce Tarr,
for Full Transparency About the Future of The Pink House
Newbury, MA: On Monday, November 20th there will be a public meeting from 10:30-11:30am
at PITA Hall, 8 Plum Island Turnpike, Newbury, MA.
Senator Tarr and Parker River Refuge Manager Matt Hillman will be in attendance to answer
questions from the public. The intention is to begin a transparent dialogue about the future of
The Pink House (60 Plum Island Turnpike, Newbury), starting with this open community forum.
The non-profit group, Support the Pink House Inc (STPH) will also be at the meeting. STPH has
been working as partners with the Parker River Refuge for 8 years to find a solution so that this
beloved North Shore icon, similar to the Citgo sign or Rockport’s Motif No.1, could reach its
100th birthday in 2025 restored and protected. They believe that saving The Pink House benefits
both the community and FWS’s mission.
STPH and the public were blindsided when Refuge Manager Matt Hillman announced at an
October 31 meeting that FWS had decided to demolish the famous landmark this winter. He also
stated that a 30-day public comment period, a press release, a new web page and social media
posts would go live within hours.
Upon public outcry, Hillman now states that demolition is not necessarily a done deal, so the
meeting is hoped to lead to a focus on efficient next steps.
The Pink House has been under federal ownership since September 2011, so the house cannot be
sold. There are options that could be further explored, including a land trade for more desirable
conservation land that would better align with FWS’s stated mission.
The “Pink House” at 60 Plum Island Turnpike, Newbury MA, is included in the Inventory
of Historic and Archaeological Assets of the Commonwealth. The building is significant
for its architecture, associations, and/or archaeology, and qualifies for the protections of
perpetual preservation restrictions under M.G.L. Chapter 184, sections 31, 32 and 33.
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