Part III – What you can do to help keep recycling clean and costs down – Recycling in NBPT
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In previous articles, we have explained the environmental and financial reasons why Newburyport needs to clean up its recycling, and the Recycle IQ (Improve Quality) program City Hall’s Office of Recycling, Energy, and Sustainability has rolled out. We are overwhelmed by the positive response and support to help reduce waste through proper recycling – while minimizing contamination to insure “clean” recycling loads and save the city money on fines or rejected loads. All of this effort helps to save the city money in the short and long run, and helps to insulate the city from market fluctuations beyond our control.
To that end, we have received many inquiries of, “What else can I do?” Here are some thoughts:
• Make sure ALL members of your household are Recycling Right – and know where to turn in the case of questions. We are here to help!
o Email:
o Website:
o Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s Recyclopedia:
• Make sure you clean your food containers – recycling done perfectly should never stink! Our website shares ways to be “clean enough”
• Host a Recycle Right/Recycle Smart visit! Invite your neighbors if you would like! A quick and informative 10-15-minute visit can show how to recycle right with minimal effort! Invite a “master recycler” to your home ideally the evening before your recycling goes out – we can give a quick audit to help you going forward! Email us (address above) to schedule.
• Mark your carts with your street number, street name, and unit number if appropriate. This will help our cart checkers make sure the correct information is going to those who need it. We recommend using “paint pens” for longevity and have them available for loan at city hall. Or, contact us via email (above) to schedule a time for someone to come out and mark your cart for you. This is ESPECIALLY helpful for multifamily units, and homes that are on corner lots.
• Interested in keeping abreast of what is happening at Toward Zero Waste Newburyport and all things regarding waste in the world? “Like” Toward Zero Waste Newburyport on Facebook (you need not join Facebook to view this page) to see our pithy updates, ideas, and concerns.
• Talk to your neighbors – do they have questions or need help? Do you know of neighbors who would benefit from a helpful home visit? Let us know at
Talking with your neighbors and being an individual influencer is the best way to help people change behavior. Too often, people think their individual actions don’t matter in the larger world. This is not true. One tiny contaminate can ruin an entire load of recycling. One plastic bag can bring a sorting operation to a standstill. Thank for helping us spend city tax dollars in the most efficient ways possible.
Visit or email for more information or questions you might have!